Sycamore Pollarding Explained

The Magic of Pollarding

Beechwood Tree Care offers a range of tree management services and is an exceptional solution for local landscapes.

In this post, we are going to share everything you need to know about pollarding – a traditional European method of pruning and shaping trees. See Neil, Flynn, Harry and Fred in action out in the field in the video or keep reading to learn more about the fascinating world of pollarding.

The Ancient Art of Pollarding

Pollarding is an ancient technique that many will not be familiar with. Despite the fact it is not as well-known as it once was, pollarding has been widely used across England and Europe for decades.

The origins and reasons behind this technique are as varied as they are intriguing. This technique is said to date back to the Roman era and the complete removal of branches is designed to help encourage a fuller, healthier growth from the tree.

This is a form of pruning and shaping that is still very effective in a range of landscapes. At Beechwood Tree Care, we are passionate about trees and like to combine a range of ancient techniques with modern technology to deliver the best results for our clients.

In pollarding, all of the leaf-bearing branches are pruned from the tree, taking the branches all the way back to the knuckles of the tree so you are essentially left with just the trunk and the beginnings of branches.

Pollarding in Action

Now that you understand the origins and purpose of pollarding, let’s see it in action.

In the above video, the team are working on a cluster of sycamore trees. The trees are densely packed together in a small garden, creating a cluttered and unruly environment for our clients and our task is to cut them back.

Pollarding is a way of reducing trees right down to the knuckles, making it ideal for such a dense environment.

Fred, one of our skilled tree surgeons, begins the task of pollarding and immediately reduces two of the trees. This creates a truly dramatic transformation of the environment and showcases how valuable this ancient art remains.

The Benefits of Pollarding

By pollarding these sycamores, the team is not just reshaping the trees but also improving the health and appeal of the wider environment.

The reduction of these trees allows more light to flow into the surrounding gardens, which has a significant impact on the environment as a whole. This ancient technique for tree pruning and reduction continues to be useful today because it is so effective.

Pollarding offers a range of benefits, noticeably the dramatic and swift reduction of trees which can open up the landscape, making it more accessible, safe and attractive.

Pollarding is not just done for aesthetic purposes, however, as it also plays a significant role in supporting tree health. By reducing the branches so dramatically, pollarding offers a complete rejuvenation of the tree, which will see completely new growth within the next few years.

Ups And Downs

While this can be a greatly beneficial technique for some landscapes, it is worth noting that pollarding does come with a catch.

As you can see from the video, pollarding creates a dense crown that remains in your landscape and requires repeat pruning to aid the health of the tree. This technique creates a tree that looks heavily pruned, which is not the look everyone wants in their garden.

Some people love pollarded trees, whereas others hate them – the beauty of a pollarded tree can often be in the eye of the beholder, which is why we work directly with clients to ensure this is what they want for their tree reduction.

Our team are fans of pollarded trees, but this is not your only option when it comes to reduction and pruning.


At Beechwood Tree Care, we strive to bring the best of tree care and pruning techniques to your doorstep, tailoring our services to your needs and preferences to deliver the best results for your landscape.

Contact Us Today

If you are considering pollarding and want to learn more about the technique, our team can help. We are skilled in all forms of tree care, both ancient and modern, which allows us to offer a wide range of solutions to our clients across the region.

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