Everything You Need To Know About Common Tree Diseases

Trees are a staple of our environment, providing beauty, shade and habitats for wildlife. Trees need care and maintenance to ensure they can continue in this amazing role, as they are at risk of several major diseases.

Diseases can be fatal for trees if left to spread, so recognising the signs early is very important. At Beechwood Tree Care, we specialise in caring for trees and delivering the precise support they need, whether this is pruning, disease management or removal.

With our experience in the industry, we have encountered the most common tree diseases and know what it takes to treat them. In this guide, we are sharing this insight with you so you can take better care of your landscapes and trees.

Why Tree Health Matters

Caring for your trees is essential because trees are a vital part of our ecosystem. Trees offer more than just breathtaking beauty, although this is also a huge part of their appeal. They also:

  • Contribute to biodiversity
  • Improve air quality
  • Can increase property value, if well-maintained
  • Provides essential habitats to wildlife

In order for trees to continue providing these benefits and being an asset to your landscape, they need to be healthy. Regular inspections and maintenance are key to keeping your trees in prime condition.

Trees need to be regularly pruned and maintained to keep them in good shape, not just aesthetically but also health-wise. Through ongoing care, it will be easier to spot the signs of an issue and get the attention required as soon as possible.

Understanding the signs of common tree diseases can make it easier to determine whether your landscape is in danger and what additional help is needed.

Fungal Diseases

Fungal diseases are some of the most common tree diseases due to the fact they spread quickly. Your trees may be at risk of:

Dutch Elm Disease

  • Effects: Elm Trees
  • Common Signs: wilting leaves, yellowing leaves, dead branches

As the name suggests, this is one of the most common tree diseases for Elm trees which causes wilting and yellowing leaves. This fungus can eventually lead to dead branches. Dead branches can pose a serious safety risk, as they can collapse or break off during wind.

If you notice the signs of these common tree diseases, professional help may be needed to effectively prune the infected branches. Fungicides may be applied to the tree if the disease has not spread too deeply which will be determined through a tree inspection.

Once these treatments have been applied, you need to continue monitoring the tree and look out for any returning symptoms of these common tree diseases.

Ash Dieback

  • Effects: Ash Trees
  • Common Signs: Leaf loss, dark lesions, dieback of shoots

This fungus spreads through Ash Trees, causing dark lesions to appear on the bark which indicate where the fungus has penetrated into the tree. The spreading of this fungus will lead to leaf loss, causing a less fruitful display of your tree in spring and summer. If left untreated, these common tree diseases can lead to dieback of shoots and eventual removal of the tree.

If you notice these symptoms within your landscape, this could be a sign that your ash trees need to be removed. Professional inspections can determine how far the fungus has spread and whether any surface treatments may be effective. However, to protect the rest of your land removal is often the best method.

Following an Ash Dieback infection, consider planting new trees in your landscape to promote biodiversity and pick up where you left off.

Honey Fungus

  • Effects: Multiple Species
  • Common Signs: White fungal growth, stunted growth, decaying roots

This is one of the most common tree diseases because it can spread through species. Honey Fungus affects all kinds of trees and can lead to complete removal, due to the decaying roots is causes.

It may be easier to recognise Honey Fungus compared to other common tree diseases because it causes a white fungus on the bark or around the roots. If you do notice this growth, it may already be too late for your tree.

However, to prevent Honey Fungus from developing in the first place, or from spreading to other trees in your landscape, you can add root barriers. Improving soil drainage can also prevent the growth of fungus and mould, leading to better tree health in the future.

Bacterial Diseases

These common tree diseases can quickly spread throughout your landscape, as bacteria can be transported through wind, rain and wildlife. Once they enter the tree, through openings or other vulnerabilities, they can cause serious health symptoms that need to be professionally treated.

Fire Blight (Erwinia amylovora)

  • Effects: Fruit Trees, like apple and pear
  • Common Signs: Burnt appearance to branches, blackened leaves

This common tree disease gets its name from the fact it looks like a fire has scorched your trees, leaving behind blackened, shrivelled leaves and a dark appearance to the bark and branches. Fruit trees are most commonly affected by this disease, which can lead to rotting of the fruit and a poor harvest.

If you recognise the signs of Fire Blight, you should prune the affected areas to prevent the spreading of the bacteria. The earlier this is done, the better the results will be for your tree. Treatments such as antibacterial sprays can also be used to kill bacteria on the surface.

As a precaution, avoid over-fertilising your fruit trees as this can lead to vulnerabilities which makes it easier for Fire Blight to take hold.

Viral Diseases

These common tree diseases can be spread from tree to tree through insects and pests, making it easy to spread throughout your landscape. They can also be carried through pollen or in seeds, based on the severity of the disease and how far it has spread.

The most common viral disease affecting trees is:

Mosaic Virus

  • Effects: Various Species
  • Common Signs: Yellow or white mottling, stunted growth

Unfortunately, there is no cure for these common tree diseases which means if you see white or yellow mottling on the leaves it is already too late. The tree will need to be cut back and removed to prevent the virus from spreading further.

As this virus is spread through insects, the best way to prevent it from taking over your landscape is to maintain effective pest management in your landscape. Keep on top of tree maintenance and care, as well as remove infected plants immediately to prevent the spread of this virus.

How To Prevent Common Tree Diseases

There is not always an effective cure for the common tree diseases which can plague your landscape, which is why prevention is the best option. Through some tree maintenance and care methods, you can keep your landscape healthy and prevent the need for tree removal.

  • Perform Regular Inspections: Whether independently or through a professional service, inspecting your trees makes it easier to notice when something is wrong with your landscape so treatment can be promptly delivered.
  • Uphold Proper Pruning Techniques: When removing weak or diseased branches from trees, make sure to only use sharp, clean tools. This prevents the spread of diseases and also allows you to make an accurate incision, to prevent wounding or stressing the tree.
  • Maintain Soil Health: Soil health is vital for your trees, as this is where they get nutrients from. Ensure good drainage around your trees to prevent fungal growth and keep track of soil levels so you can fertilise when needed.

By performing regular inspections and maintenance, you can ensure your trees are in prime condition. The healthier your trees are, the better chance they have at fighting off common tree diseases if they become vulnerable to them at all.

Need Professional Help? Choose Beechwood Tree Care

Often, the best method of treatment for common tree diseases is to work with professionals. Our team can deliver the precise care and treatment your trees need, based on their current state.

We perform tree surveys and inspections to determine what disease we are dealing with, which then informs our next course of action. Based on the type and severity of the disease, we can provide a tailored care plan to ensure the best results for your landscape.

In cases where the tree disease cannot be treated effectively, we provide tree removal and stump grinding to prevent its return to your landscape.


Your tree may be vulnerable to common tree diseases, leaving your landscape unhealthy, unattractive and dangerous. Common tree diseases can lead to the failure of fruit, leaves and branches which may result in a complete removal.

AS trees are an asset to any landscape, removal should be avoided as much as possible which is why practising good tree hygiene is essential. Prevention is often the best method for common tree diseases, so keeping your trees well-maintained, hydrated and healthy is good practice.

Beechwood Tree Care is a professional tree surgery company that offers a range of tree care services to support your landscape. Whether you are concerned about common tree diseases or want to rejuvenate your landscape, we can help.

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To learn more or request a consultation, please reach out to the Beechwood Tree Care team today.

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