Beechwood Tree Care’s Guide To Fracture Pruning

How We Create a Wildlife Habitat With Fracture Pruning

Following our recent work at Reading University, this is an opportune time to demonstrate the benefits of fracture pruning. Fracture pruning is a useful way to treat damaged or dead trees that do not necessarily need to be removed from the landscape.

This particular form of pruning can help create microclimates to support surrounding wildlife and the ecosystem as a whole.

Beechwood Tree Care are tree care specialist, offering a range of services to support the health of trees and our local environments. Due to the unique nature of these woodlands and the position of the tree, fracture pruning was the best method and we are going to share why in this post.

What Is Fracture Pruning?

Fracture pruning, also known as Coronet pruning, is a pruning technique that mimics natural tears or fractures. Pruning the tree in this manner means deliberately causing jagged edges in the trunk, which make it look as though the tree has suffered storm damage.

This is because these kind of fractures often appear naturally in trees through limb failure. Limb failure from harsh weather conditions such as wind and storms, or due to decay and rot, leaves part of the tree exposed.

These exposed areas, which are caused by branches being torn from the tree, create microhabitats which can be extremely beneficial for the environment.

What Is The Purpose Of Fracture Pruning?

The deliberately jagged and exposed areas of the tree created through fracture pruning create extremely beneficial results for the ecosystem. These exposed areas become microhabitats for insects, healthy bacteria and wildlife as they decay.

As fracture pruning promotes decay and is done specifically for this purpose, this technique is primarily done on trees that are already dead but safe. Not all dead trees need to be removed, if they are stable enough to continue standing. Trees are vital parts of our ecosystems, providing habitats and nutrients to wildlife, which is why fracture pruning can be so useful in certain situations.

Encouraging and allowing decay to occur will eventually cause the tree to die, if it is not already, which is why fracture pruning is only used in specific situations. Fracture pruning should only be done on trees with strong structural integrity, as this means they can continue providing benefits to the landscape even after they have died.

This pruning method is beneficial for a range of wildlife, including woodlice and earwigs, as well as creatures such as birds and bats. The decaying, exposed tree can provide nutrients to insects while being a safe shelter for larger creatures.

When Should Fracture Pruning Be Used?

In the case of our recent project at Reading University, the Beechwood Tree Care team chose fracture pruning because of the location and condition of the tree.

Fracture pruning is best used for trees that are in steady decline, heavily pruned such as through pollarding, or dead. In the case of Reading University, the trees we were fracture pruning had been heavily damaged. These could not be repaired and were better used as habitats.

Another factor that proved fracture pruning to be the best option in this case is the fact the trees were located deep into the woodlands. These trees were not close to public areas, meaning allowing them to decay would not put anyone in harm’s way


Fracture pruning is an effective pruning method for declining or dead trees. This pruning method mimics the natural patterns of damaged trees, leaving a jagged and exposed bark. This exposure encourages the tree to decay, where it will attract insects and wildlife.

This particular pruning method can be extremely beneficial for the surrounding environment and local ecosystem, but it is not ideal for healthy or successful trees. Decay will cause the tree to worsen and eventually die, which is why fracture pruning is only used in specific circumstances.

Beechwood Tree Care handled this project at Reading University with our renowned professionalism, skills and care for the environment. Our sustainable practices have made this woodland a healthier ecosystem for local wildlife, while also reducing the risk of fallen branches.

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If you are looking for local arborists to bring out the best in your landscape, Beechwood Tree Care is here to help. Contact the team today to request a consultation and to learn more about our services.

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